Medical Bioinformatics

The Medical Bioinformatics group is dedicated to the comprehensive analysis of a variety of omics data, including sequencing data from areas such as transcriptomics, genomics and proteomics. In addition to developing powerful workflows and pipelines to handle large datasets, the group focuses on the integration of different types of omics. This integration enables patient-specific analysis of measurements, including specific mutations or variants and their effects. Ultimately, these precision medicine approaches can contribute to the discovery of new biomarker candidates that might otherwise go undetected.

In addition to conventional evaluation methods, the Medical Bioinformatics group also applies machine learning methods, of which deep learning and 'artificial intelligence' techniques in particular have recently gained prominence.

In principle, the group is open to all types of questions relating to the efficient analysis of medical and biological data

Parts of the Medical Bioinformatics group are involved in the Core Unit Bioinformatics "CUBiMed.RUB" at the Faculty of Medicine.


Our projects and source codes are (mainly) published on GitHub.

medbioinf on GitHub

We are always looking for students to do their final theses in our group. Feel free to contact us, if you are interested.
